One of the important objectives within the project is training of the researchers. Formal training for both early stage researchers (ESR) and experienced researchers (ER) are similar. Following scientific presentations and attending scientific discussions during group meetings, journal club events and seminars are part of the training program of the project. The recruited and seconded researchers are attending formal courses arranged by University of Helsinki and Tartu University. So far the topics of the courses attended by the scientists are:
- Fundamentals of Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamic Simulations in Pharmaceutical Research/UoH
- Scientific Writing in English for Academic Publication/TU
- Physicochemical methods in drug research/TU
- Introduction to Software Entrepreneurship/TU
- Basic neurochemistry/TU
- Pattern recognizion/TU
- Image analysis/TU
- Measurement data processing/TU
- Metabolism of Active Substances/TU
Training of the recruited and the seconded researchers while working for the project happens hand in hand with the researchers in charge of the project. Depending on the partner they are working for, they will gain valuable information within computational chemistry, neurosciences or pharmaceutical sciences.
Recruited and/or seconded ERs have additional roles and responsibilities within management, coordination, dissemination, decision making and teaching-training activities, as well as in establishing new methods and technologies. ERs and ESRs are encouraged to actively participate in all types of activities within the project. By doing so, the researchers will gain or improve useful complementary skills, such as:
- Writing for broad scientific audience (webpage content)
- Writing for general public (Facebook content)
- Presentation and teaching skills
- Communicating science to high-school students
- Organization of technology transfer
- Organization of events
- Management and coordination
- IT skills (software installation, laptop administration, working with command prompt, webpage administration)